
Software defined network in datacenter (From AA's group)

Elastic Middleboxes in the Cloud: (Robert)

where is the bottleneck (app? bandwidth? middlebox?)

Fast bottleneck Identification:

Processing Time ( hard for packets in/out)
CPU/Mem info (hard to decide how often to sample)
Open Connections

Strato: captrue MB and NW bottlenecks
Use Greddy Heuristic (tentatively add middle box) --- doesn't work in complex MB topologies
Refinement: most common used (overlapping) MB first?

Midldleboxes scaling: (Aaron)
Move some of the middleboxes control to Controller.
1. How is the logic devided?
    classify middlebox states, and define interfaces between middleboxes and controller
    Action state + support state + tuning state
    Represent states: key (Field1 = value1, field2 = value2....) + Action (drop, forward, etcc.)
   interfaces: get, remove, add states

NaPs: network-aware placement and scheduling in Clusters (yizheng):
motivation: little work to examing the interplay between CPu/memory resource sharing and network resource sharing (by TCP congestion controll, etc)

Quincy placement: put instances as close as possible (not optimial)
NaPs design: 
general framwork to enable network awareness of clusture:

Lowest level: sdn controller to expose network state
Higher level: cluster shedular to communicate with sdn controller for netowrk status, work nodes for workload info and storage for data placement information


