
SDN: industry view

    Missed what he is saying.....
    but one point is slicing is fundamental for network
    and how to balance (academia) network flexibility with production isolation/security

   Openflow market potential huge
    1. enterprise departmental isolation/mobility
    2. campus virtual circuits for research collaboration (say, geni)
    3. service provider: network efficiency
    4, cloud comprehensive virutalization (virtual network work with VM and other virtualized stuff)

Google: (not view, but what google is providing)
   Google sdn (openflow) WAN -- to connect datacenters through out the world
        they still use bgp and isis (for backward compability)
        they also use openflow to create (isolated?) large network test enviroment
        they used contrallized control to push workload to the edges as much as possible, because edge swiches are cheap
        management can't be centrailized entirely -- it's a distributed system problem, but not a networking problem anymore
   All in all, Google likes to turn networking problem into distributed system problem, which is what sdn does anyway
    but they want to aggreate network information, and be able to understand and reason about network performance (as there is no formal way to debug/diagnose netowrk performance problem yet)

big switch:
    what sdn is: transition from closed big boxes to open programmable solutions!
    make network operators be able to develop applications (easy, intuitive APi, easy debugging)
    use case: big tap
           monitering network: use a separate tap network, and dump a huge amount of traffic into this tap network, then analyze it (dumb idea, but great win for operators)
     middleboxes: focus on virtual paths, and middlebox-controller communication design (will need integrate middlebox into openflow, i think)

   1. in a virtulized enviroment, where is the controller?
       google: we are not vmware, we have controller managing all layers
       big switch: we do not want to preclude trandional newwork vendors from this space

   2. openflow is as powerful as closed flow?
       nec: this is a matter of time, as use cases emerge, it will become more powerful to integrate functionalites (5-10 yrs)
       google: sdn is not openflow, but openflow is a form of sdn, as long as you have external controll, doesn't have to be openflow
        cisco: software enables new thing (verification, say)
        google: how to have secuirty in an open network enviroment is a challenge
        big siwtch: contrlloer will become an os, so what the google folks talk about are really process isolation

