
A new class of bugs

classify bugs, then an ecosystem for a bug class
see also: 
          Toward Optimization-Safe Systems: Analyzing the Impact of Undefined Behavior (SOSP'13 best paper)

buffer overflow:
tools: Purify, Valgrind
System: ALSR
Languages: Java

A new class: unstable code
state of the art: turn off optimizations if seeing weird bugs

How prevalent?
How to think about it?
How to detect?

undefined behavior leads to unstable code
example: if(buf + off < buf) (gcc translates to if(false) because pointer overflow behavior is undefined
also: signed integer overflow, oversized shit, null pointer dereference, absolute value overflow
code may or may not work

How prevalent?
all major compilers, all major languages (they have a nice graph in paper) silently discard unstable code (in different ways). so changing/upgrading compiler may lead to broken system
more optimization over time (which makes problems worse)

How to think about it?
first approach: consider unstable code as dead code
problem: restricted to one particular compiler, and lists of false warnings because compiler always kills code

second apprach: as bug patterns
problem: aka antivirus software, inherently inomplete

third approach: as undefined hehavior
problem: too many false positives

Final approach:
cause: disagree on spec (undefined behavior)
Formulation overview:
disagreement delta: compiler: program never invokes undefined heavier
what can be done only with delta: kill unstable code 

Two round simulation: first without delta, second with delta, see if output is different
i.e., first time SAT oracle->N, and second time SAT oracle->Y, then unstable code.

Formulate delta:
reach(e, in)
undef(e, in)
delta(in) = for every e: reach(e, in) -> not undef(e, in)

SAT oracle: (booldector solver)
false negative or positive:
1. phase 1 not powerful enough->false errors
2. phase 2 not powerful enought->false negative

How to detect:
STACK: unstable code checker
challenge: previous statements requests inspect the entire programs, would lead to gigantic boolean predicate
solution: per-function and approximation 

unstable code lead to subtle bugs
language designer: be cautious about undefined behavior
compiler writers: use our techniques to generate better warnings
programs: check your code using STACK...

Research approach: (I like this!)
identify systems problems
derive general solutions
build practical systems/tools
e.g. GUI not-responding (as graph reachability problem)
       replay (as graph cut problem)
killing bugs: theorem proving (CompCert: formally verified C compiler CACM'09, seL4: formally verified OS kernel but that's just 8,700 LOC)
            identify subcompnones in Linux kernel to verify

Q:Is it because C language just makes some decisions? 
A: It is more like if you could design a standard which doesn't have this problem? C developers actually have incentives to make signed integers overflow undefined. If you want to define buffer overflow, then you have to instrument every memory write, then you need a GC, you just turned C into Java...
Q: Is missing code the only result undefined behavior results?Why do you choose to focus on code discarding?
A: An interesting direction to pursue...We focused on this because that's what got our attention. 
Q: Does higher level language have fewer undefined behavior? Is it because of the nature of the language being high level, or is it because it's just newer thus better?
A: Yes. And unstable code is (kinda) OK in application level, not so in system level code. 
Q: Other undefined behavior like function argument evaluation order, sequence points?
A: I feel like it's less interesting because it can be solved by the frond-end of the compiler. Also, you could statically check that in your source code. There are also C-light without sequence point problems.

