
SyNS'13 session 3: Fast & Safe

How is My Driving: Sensing Driving Behaviors by Android Devices
Lei Kang, Suman

Snapshot: hardware solutions to count driving miles and hard brakes (speed decrease mph per second). 30% discount for "good drivers).

No special hardware approach:
rating system based on sensors (acelerometer and gyroscope for acceleration, brake, ture, change lane)
Keep track of traffic and road conditions.

  1. People put their phone in different location
      Solutions: coodrinate projection to tranlsation the phone coordination in any rotation to the earth coordination. 

  2. Hard to defind good or bad hehavior
      Soluton: compare system rating and passenger rating

Related work:
Driver phone detection by car speakers(mobicom'11)
Driver phone detection by different central force reading on accelerometer(mobisys'13)
Distracted driver detection by mobile phone cameera (mobisys'13)

Q: Immediate feedback would be useful?
A: That is realtime detection of driving behavior. What we are doing is offline study, but online study wouldn’t be difficult.

Rinnegan: Efficient Resource Use for Heterogeneous Processors
Sankar, Mike Swift

Task scheduling: task can be run on different processing units (Parallel for GPU or CPU, encryption for CPU or AES). Not always good to use GPU because contention and data transfer overhead.
Power is limited: all units cannot be used at the high performance. Now we cap power usage pretty well, but don't distribute power smartly over different units

 Adaptive task scheduling, power awareness.
1. Adaptivity is achieved by OpenKernel, which expose resource utilization and allow application to make task placement decision. Don't do it transperantly in kernel because application knows best, and accelator can be accessed directly by apps.
    Impletment by accelerator stub, which predicts utlization, acceleartor agent, which implement scheduling decsions, enforce power limits and expose utilization informatio, and accelerator monitor, which publishes information exposed by agents to applications. 
2. Power Abstraction
  Power credits maintained by a central power center, power agent calculates power model and ask for power credites.

