1. using repliated state machine
2. n-versioning programming
Main idea of HARDFS (selective 2-versioning):
0. better crash than lie! Thus keep watching and whenever somebody is doing something wrong, either recover or just kill them.
0. make use of the fact that the system is already robust, and being able to recover from a lot of failures (e.g., crashes)
1. selective (only replicate important state)
2. use bloom filters to compactly encode states (i.e, all file system states are encoded in terms of yes-or-no questions) -- they use a particular kind of boom filter which supports deletion
3. ask-then-check for unboolean verification???
Evaluation of HARDFS:
1. detect bit-flip error pretty well, more crashes because more bookkeeping (better crash than lie!)
(how well it is on more realistic/correlated errors is still unknown -- butt he did do experiments which shows it protects bugs from mozzila bug report?)
2. 3% space overhead, 8% performance overhead, 12% additional code -- because only a part of state is replicated and a part of code is 2-versioned.
More details on HARDFS:
selected part:
harden namespace management,
harden replica management
harden read/write protocol
second verison watches input/output
node behavior model
state manager:
state manager to replicate subset of states (need to understand HDFS semantics)
use bloom filters because it does boolean verification well
to update bloom filter state (ask main version for values and check with the 2nd version bloom filter)
actively modified states in concrete form to enable in-place updates -- to avoid CPU overhead
false positive in bloom filter only results in unnecessary recovery (as long as faults are transitive, non-deterministic)
action verifier:
four types of wrong actions:
out of order
Handling disagreement:
using domain knowledge to ignore false alarms
for true alarms, I think they just re-start system using on-disk and other node's states
1. crash and reboot (expensive)
2. micro-recovery (pin-pointted corrupted state by comparing states of two verisons, then only reconstrute corrupted state from disk)
however needs to remove corrupted state in bloom-filters
solution: new bloom filter to start over, and add all right states to that new bloom filters
3. thwarting destructive instructions
???? master just tell node?????